Detailed Description of Portfolio Companies of Fund V

Welbe, Inc.

Features Since its founding in 2011, Welbe has been opening facilities nationwide and currently operates over 190 facilities as of January 2024.
Welbe has established a leading position in the market by leveraging its strengths in location expansion, operational capabilities, and seamless welfare services for a wide range of age groups.
Investment Pattern Take-private transaction – acquired shares from existing shareholders via TOB
Investment Theme Polaris will strongly support Welbe to aggressively promote opening new facilities with a view to achieve revolutionary growth of its disability welfare business by leveraging Polaris’ knowledge and human resources gained from the variety of investment experience, including in disability welfare service, nursing care, and healthcare related projects, in a number of companies through executing several initiatives, such as creating synergies with existing portfolio companies, supporting the development of growth strategies, and promoting DX and ESG initiatives.
By going private, the Polaris and Welbe aim to further enhance Welbe’s corporate value by promoting the reallocation of management resources and the evolution of its business model under the new stakeholder and governance structure, rather than being limited by short-term share price fluctuations.
